After reading this post you will be able to fix the problems you might be having while converting a Basic Disk type to Dynamic Disk Type in Windows Disk Management.
Basic Disk is an older disk format that is used by all version of Windows going back to windows 95, 98 etc. Even today the default disk type used in our computer system is Basic.
Dynamic Disk type is supported with Windows XP professional & above editions of Windows. Dynamic Disk supports stripped volume, spanned volume, mirror volumes, simple volumes and RAID 5. Dynamic Disk type also supports disk management without restarting your computer.
Error Message says
- Package Name is Invalid
- Computer Name Contains “ Double Byte Character”
- Go to Start menu
- Right Click Computer
- Click Properties
- Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings, click Change settings.
- On the Computer Name tab, click Change.
- Type a new name under Computer name, and then click OK.
- Type a Simple Computer name
- OK
- Restart your Computer
- Convert Basic Disk to Dynamic Disk