This post deals with the Windows Component error in Windows 8, where on running the DISM tool to scan health of the Windows image, you get an error 0x800f0906 in Windows 8. Below are the steps you can use to fix this error using Command prompt.
- Open Windows power menu ( Windows logo key + X)
- Open / Click on Command Prompt (Admin)
- Now type,
- net stop wuauserv (press Enter)
- cd %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution (press Enter)
- ren Download temp (press Enter)
- net start wuauserv (press Enter)
- net stop bits (press Enter)
- net start bits (press Enter)
- net stop cryptsvc (press Enter)
- cd %systemroot% \system32 (press Enter)
- ren catroot2 temp2 (press Enter)
- net start cryptsvc (press Enter)
This should solve your problem, if not, please use the comment section to tell me & I will try to help further.